Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Jefferson Prep Announcing Mobile App

Jefferson Prep – - has created a fully functional mobile app that is for sale on iTunes.  This app is a comprehensive tool for all of our students, and it supplements our tutoring, exam preparation, and language courses. The general price is $9.99, but current Jefferson Prep students are only required topay $2.99.  This app was developed by India's top IT firm, Openxcell, and it is a fully functional app, and it has been rated a 4.9 by over 104 reviewers to date.  This tool allows us to supplement our proprietary methodology and customized tutoring plans with our general app content.

                                 Jefferson Prep
Richard Bahar of Jefferson Prep said "  In this day and age, when people are always on the go, we realized that you need an app that is as mobile and flexible as you are."  For example, said "Richard Bahar," if you are waiting on the bus or metro, you can do your Jefferson Prep homework assignments all in the comfort of your iPhone.  So instead of wasting time by  waiting during your commute, you can be efficient and practice your tutoring, test prep, or language assignments. Furthermore our app has a feature which customizes and adapts to your strengths and weaknesses.  For example, if you are doing poorly on some SAT questions, the app will adjust the difficulty level - and will provide real-time feedback to your tutor or academic adviser at Jefferson Prep. In this way, we can monitor our students' learning experience, and we can determine how to adjust each lesson to the student's ongoing learning.

For specific questions, please contact us.  We have a dedicated IT official who can assist all of our students with any technical questions they may have as they get used to our interactive app experience.
About Jefferson Prep
Jefferson Prep is an educational services company that provides exam preparation, tutoring, language courses, and adult education courses For more information, please visit


Telephone:   1.888.533.3773

Richard Bahar

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Let your financial future nurtured by professional accountants

Running a business requires many commitments and negligence in one sphere can cost the entrepreneur heavy loss. Regardless that you area start-up, small or medium business proprietor, you should give the compliance of finance and accounts pressure off to financial companies. Doing so will grant you freedom to focus on core business operations.

Running finance department, filling up your tax returns, year-end accounts, bank reconciliation statement and cash flows will be kept under a strict observance by accountant and the best part is you won’t have to mess yourself in checking out what all investments have been done by the company or how much revenue generation is there. Oftentimes, lack of appropriate check over finance and accounts lead to downfall of a company so do not mistake of underestimating the significance of accounting services

Presently, you do not require hiring an in-house accountant or pay sky-high prices because there are many companies which provide online accountants to leverage return on investment. The account professionals are up-to-speed and quick in handling the latest financial software tools. They know their industry well and thus things like journal, ledger, trial balance sheet are maintained in error-free way which can otherwise create problems.

Every entrepreneur wants a great cost-savings but few amongst them succeed in molding their dreams into reality. You need to act smarter to sustain in such a competitive market. Instead of managing and probably messing into accounts of the company, let the work handled by the professionals. Whenever you want to review the income and expenditure status, you can ask your accountant to provide you the same.

To summarize, when the year ends or tax season hits, accountants are blessings for the entrepreneurs so instead of hanging yourself in conventional way of managing accounts, take a step forward and get your company accounts managed by a professional to nurture financial future of your company.